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Hoarding Help Message Boards : Welcome to the new board! : How to help my mom?
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How to help my mom?

Cory Chalmers
Posted: 03 April 2012 - 12:20 AM
I am sorry you are going through this with your mother. Unfortunately, there is no easy answer for you. Your mother honestly needs to get therapy, but until she admits she has a problem nothing will change. Do not let her make you feel guilty and turn any of this around on you. There are many resources available, but until she steps up and asks for it, all of your efforts will be ignored and actually just cause more problems. Let her know you love her and you worry about her and that you have resources available when she is ready. In the meantime, go enjoy your college life and try not to carry this burden around. It can destroy your life almost as much as it does hers.
Posted: 02 April 2012 - 02:28 PM
Hi everyone, so heres my situation my mother is currently moving in with my grandma bc of money/convenience. My mothers downstairs is spotless and it wasnt til recently til I realized that her upstairs is full of hoarded items. The downstairs was just like a wierd cover. My mother saved every single item from my childhood, including 5 boxes of mcdonalds toys, my grandmothers house has a huge attic the size of a house and my mom has just been throwing her stuff in there. I keep trying to help her get rid of stuff butshe believe that everything is going to be worth money someday or that someday ill be happy shes saved all these items. Im my mothers only child and am worried that her hoarding is bc of me (since its all my stuff) nothing ive said so far has worked she refuses to get rid of anything...if I pursist on the issue she begins to cry and go on about how im heartless and dont appreciate her or my childhood. What can I do? How can I help? Theres still half a house worth of items and no place left in the attic. Also idk if this matter but im 22 and moved 4 hours away for college.
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