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Hoarding Help Message Boards : Welcome to the new board! : First time trying to connect
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First time trying to connect

Karen A.
Posted: 20 March 2012 - 08:28 AM
Hi Laura, I'm Karen- this is my first time writing on a message board, so I don't know where to start either...My husband and I moved here (upstate NY) 5yrs ago and our house has gotten more and more cluttered. I can relate about the craft items- I have WAY too many and can never find the right ones to get anything done! My worst problem is that I'm very disorganized. Both of my parents passed away in the past 3 yrs, then we had to empty 60 yrs of stuff out of their we have enough stuff for 3 houses in our smaller house! It is especially tough to get rid of my parent's things, but I know I will have to start sorting through them.
Posted: 03 March 2012 - 10:27 AM
My turn to say Hi. I am a divorced mother of 3 living in central FL. I have so many unneeded things that I keep. I love horses and animals and have lots of collections of figurines. I am an artist so I also have lots of arts and craft supplies which I never use, but keep just in case. I never knew that there was even a term called animal hoarding, but I guess I do that too. I have 3 gerbils, 2 cats, and 12 birds. I just bought one of those last birds a few days ago. I have overflowing closets, many of them don't fit, but I keep them just in case they might. I have boxes and tote bins in every room. My kid's closets have my things in them. My garage is so filled you have to squeeze through it and I have a storage place. Sigh. My AC is broken (its winter still but the high for today is 87 here) but I can't have a repairman come to the house, it's too embarrassing and he couldn't access the unit anyway. I'm not like on the TV show, of course they use extremes, but I see those same habits in me. Laura
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