I am 67 years old, and just married my childhood sweetheart. When I arrived at his home, I just didn't know what to do. The house is 6000 square feet, and filled in every room with piles of clothes, furniture, papers and you name it. He had told me it was messy, but I thought being a widower it was just an accumulation of things. Little did I know that not only he, but his daughter (who doesn't live here anymore) was a hoarder too. The up stairs is just as bad as the downstairs. Outside, he has cars, junk and everything you can name. I have tried to talk to him about cleaning it place up, but he has trouble getting rid of anything. For the first three months he wouldn't even allow me to have a trash man, for fear I would through things out. I have just started hin going to a pychiatrist, but I am lost on what to do. I find I don't care about cleaning as much, (I have always been okay with housekeeping) and I feel my self esteem is going down. I need suggestions please.