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Hoarding Help Message Boards : Welcome to the new board! : Need Help in Ohio
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Need Help in Ohio

Posted: 05 September 2013 - 12:38 PM
I see the address is in the UK
Does this mean you are looking for people living in the UK?
kate wilson
Posted: 05 September 2013 - 11:47 AM
Do you, or someone you know, suffer from a compulsion to hoard?
Has your hoarding begun to affect your life and relationships?
Are rooms in your house unusable because you're simply unable to throw anything away?

Crackit Productions would like to highlight the struggles many sufferers face by making a new documentary for Channel 5 that will sensitively explore hoarding as a medical condition. It will delve into causes and symptoms, and discuss how sufferers and their family can find the much needed help that's out there.

If you've been affected by hoarding, and would like help from experts in this condition, we would very much like to talk to you in confidence about the new programme. To find out more details please call 020 7612 3307 / 07739 965 221 or e mail Please note, all calls will be handled in the strictest of confidence.
Posted: 27 June 2013 - 12:52 PM
First, someone needs to take responsibility for the dogs' well-being, seeing that they are fed, watered and exercised. That is the most important thing.

Next, you cannot make her change but you can report to Adult Protective Services and/or her doctor. You can probably remain anonymous but would need to check on this yourself.

Best of luck.
Posted: 27 June 2013 - 11:35 AM
I have a friend that I believe her house is making her sick and it's only getting worse by the day. Her house has been cleaned up with the help of her kids and grandkids several times but the stuff just accumulates all over again. The house is inhabitable and I am worried that something is going to happen in there and noone will be able to get to her to help. She has dogs that are often left in the home all day unattended. There is very limited electricity and no gas or water. She was recently hospitalized but I know she isn't telling the doctors of her living situation so they can address the real issues causing her to be sick. She has had a horrible cough that has lasted several months. I'm pretty sure her recent hospitalization is due to the lack of hygeine in cleaning her self since she has no water. Not sure when or how she even bathes. Not sure what I can do since I cannot force her to get help. I am worried for her health and safety as well as the well being of the dogs. The dogs were recently left in the house alone for several days without food or water. Her kids want to help her but they do not want to force her out of her house for fear of her getting mad. I feel I should report her to the health department before it's too late and everyone feels guilty because they didn't do something. She is staying with one of her kids now to get physical therapy but I know that will not last very long before she stops the treatment to go back to her house. The dogs are left in the house alone, again in the heat, with no water or food. What can I do?
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