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Hoarding Help Message Boards : Welcome to the new board! : hoarding husband
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hoarding husband

Posted: 13 June 2013 - 02:21 PM
Hi, Pat, and welcome! This is a good place to seek support and ideas. Tillie in particular shares your situation, so check out all her posts. Read threads whether new or old. And keep posting. I think you'll find some light here.
Posted: 29 May 2013 - 11:59 PM
Hi Pat, welcome :)

I have lived with a hoarding man for over 30 years now.
He did not used to hoard but over these last 20 years he has become a major hoarder.
Crying, begging, pleading with him doesn't help.
My health too is poor and getting worse with age.
Please feel free to come here and post any time about anything.

(((hugs))) Tillie :)
Posted: 29 May 2013 - 11:01 PM
[ have been with my man 24 yrs ,his hoarding was'nt
as bad in the begining, bc he kept buying other houses to store his messes.but he is 70 yrs old and i get financial help from him; i own the house but it is getting worse,have had to pay people to come in and make it livable,but i cant afford to continue,recently had visiting nurses in and was ashamed.i have tried talking crying yelling to no my health is declining im afraid so many things laying bad foods,i watch carefully, boxes, books u name it. have thrown his stuff away many times. promises he wont do it again,and then it starts all over i cant keep up with depressed all the time and taking so many meds 4 so many medical conditions.arthritis through out my body and many more 62 yrs old andcant do what i use to. thanks 4 letting me vent.
Hoarding Help Message Boards : Welcome to the new board! : hoarding husband

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