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Hoarding Help Message Boards : Welcome to the new board! : Hoarding is Hoarding the world over. Right?
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Hoarding is Hoarding the world over. Right?

Posted: 29 May 2013 - 11:53 AM
Welcome to the board Kara! :)
Posted: 29 May 2013 - 11:15 AM
Hello, Kara, and welcome. I am in the US. I am on disability for what you would probably call CFIDS, but I call CFS, and it was a minefield to getting disability social security. Most with my diagnosis do NOT get SS, but I got it on first try and the reviewer stated that mine was the best documentation he'd ever seen. CFS is not considered a mental illness, although I find many physicians do not believe it can be as debilitating as it has been for me.

I have no idea how things work in the UK, though. I do know that a diagnosis of mental illness CAN lead to disability income here, but in most cases of private insurance there is a strict two year limit on it. Like you'll get magically cured in two years, or else. I'm not sure how that applies to social security.

If the UK does not recognize hoarding as a mental illness, then you probably can't get a "diagnosis." If you have other issues and are on public assistance, already, that might help you to pursue further assistance for hoarding issues. If OCD is part of your condition, counseling for that would be in order and can be documented. The OCD therapist could work with you regarding getting help, maybe?

Read everything you can here, come talk to us, and maybe we can help somehow, if only with emotional support and some practical ideas.

By the way, if I was forced off social security, I would undoubtedly become a bag lady since I truly cannot hold down a job.
Posted: 29 May 2013 - 10:28 AM
Hi Kara,

Welcome to the group!

Since you're in the UK you may find posting on these message boards to be easier than going to the Sunday and Tuesday night groups. They start by Pacific Standard Time. I'm on the East Coast of the US so for me the chat starts at 8:00 p.m. For you I think that would mean it starts at 1:00 a.m. your time.

I started here a few months ago and began by going back to the beginning of all the messages and reading them. There was lots of good advice and lots of stories that helped me understand this was going to be a very good place to get support.

There are also lots of good books on hoarding. You can order them from People here can give you their suggestions on the ones they found most helpful.

Keep posting. Love your pink color font!

all the best ~~ Dianne
Anne W
Posted: 28 May 2013 - 11:00 PM
Kara -- I'm sure other folks on here will be able to offer better info than I can --

One quick answer is to click on the "Inst. for Challenging Disorganization" link to the left here & download there FREE :) Hoarding Scale documents. There you can read about the 5 major categories currently used to define the continuum of Hoarding (& each categories accompanying criteria).

I'm guessing Cory Chalmers, Tillie, or someone else on this site can direct towards potential UK Physicians who specialize in Hoarding behaviours.

One final thing: Don't Give Up!!! If you stick with it long enough you'll eventually find what works Best for You!
Posted: 28 May 2013 - 09:20 PM
Thank you for replying.

I have a question to ask, which I have asked myself but yet not found an answer.

A photo to me is like a physical memory. It is like a link to the culture it was taken in. An sometimes the laughter and fun of that experience.

Hoarding can be about not being able to let go of physical items. Anxiety and depression can follow. This (to me at least) is a real emotional experience.

QUESTION: I have not been officially diagnosed with a hoarding problem. How would I go about it?

BTW I live in UK. Thank you
Posted: 28 May 2013 - 08:52 PM
Hi Kara
yes, hoarding is hoarding the whole world over.
Anybody can join in here from anywhere in the world.
Welcome. :)
Posted: 28 May 2013 - 06:35 PM
I live in UK. And I only discovered I am a hoarder last year. But I have a dilemma.

The government over here in UK are squeezing people with disability, into work places. I want to set up my own business. But I have a hoarding problem that prevents me from organising things in the home, let alone in the work place.

I am afriad that I won't get the chance to set up my own business. And I don't want to go into employment as I have confronting issues too. What if I don't win my case and I lose my government benefit and the time I need to sorting out the hoarding problem.

Hoarding is Hoarding the world over. Right? Even in the USA? There are no groups here in UK. Hoarding is new here and not recognised as a mental health problem. Just an irritation to the welfare system.

Thanks for reading.
Hoarding Help Message Boards : Welcome to the new board! : Hoarding is Hoarding the world over. Right?

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