Background: I'm 29, married with a 2 year old daughter. I have always kept everything, I mean everything. My Mom taught me that when I was little. We've also had several close relatives die and I've inherited some of their stuff. I know I assign everything a value. This drives my husband nuts. I list on ebay regularly and have taken a couple of loads to goodwill in the last month. So I'm not putting it in a new pile somewhere else for long.
I'm fed up. I'm tired of stuff everywhere. It was much worse years ago. You couldn't walk through much of our house. Now it cleaner, and the mess is mostly confined to the last room we need to remodel called "The Tote Room." There's no food or anything like that in there, just "keepsakes" and random crap.
The last week I've thrown away most of the Christmas cards I've kept, and nearly all receipts unless they were for a large purchase or for tax stuff.
I'm starting to go through more of it, and have some questions:
-Old toys from my childhood. How many should be kept? I don't think DD will play with them, should I toss or try to sell. -Ceramics. My Dad's friend made them for me when I was a kid. I'm not attached to any of them. They fill a tote. Should I toss? -Fabric. I used to sew a lot before DD was born and now I don't have time. I want to keep some of this but I have 4-5 totes. Some of the fabric was my grandmother's. What should be kept? I know it needs pared down. -Books. If I haven't read it in a year, should it be tossed. -Clothes. Should I go by the if it hasn't been worn in 1 year rule? -Dead family member's stuff. A lot of it is just sitting collecting dust. Should I photograph and get rid -Christmas decorations. I have 3-4 totes. Is that a normal amount or should I sell some?