So sorry to read about your ordeal Arlene,
Unfortunately no there is nothing that you can do. The only that you can help her is if only and I mean only if She wants to change and admit that she wants help, than there is nothing that you can do.
Cory says there are many hoarders that die "buried alive" literally. My mother will be one of them one day maybe. She will never change but she does admit that she understands about the living conditions.
They alone have to change mentally before they can get or seek help otherwise they will never change. To them the clutter is their security blanket despite the bad conditions, also is shame, guilt, and embarassment for the decision to get help.
Check out the other links on this page to see what other hoarders have posted. But here on the Boards many have changed and are cleaning for the better life and will talk about how they feel.