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Hoarding Help Message Boards : Welcome to the new board! : Adult non hoarder living with hoarding parent
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Adult non hoarder living with hoarding parent

Posted: 12 January 2018 - 02:30 PM
I am so sorry you are in that position. I too am unable to cope with my living situation and feel desperate to get out. I was hoping to find support here, nice to know I am not alone. Thank you for posting.
Posted: 05 January 2018 - 11:26 AM
Hello :)

Sorry you financially seem to be stuck there for the time being.
It does help if you educate yourself about hoarding, I know because I too live with a hoarder.
At the top of this page are links with a lot of information...

help for families

The book "Digging Out" is very helpful too.

Actually, reading everything written by the professional therapists, extreme cleaners and organizers has been very helpful for me.
Posted: 04 January 2018 - 12:54 PM
I'm an adult who sadly still lives at home with a hoarding parent. I fear the day my parent dies since my siblings and I will have the daunting nightmarish task of cleaning the house. Living in CA is impossible on your own. It's so frustrating to throw anything away, even a box, when the parent rushes to the recycling and yells at you for throwing anything away. My parent also tries to throw things in my face about how they've helped me and blah blah blah, so don't even try bringing up the big "H" word. I sometimes just want to run away and never speak to this family again, but I do not have enough money to move out.
Hoarding Help Message Boards : Welcome to the new board! : Adult non hoarder living with hoarding parent

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