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Hoarding Help Message Boards : Welcome to the new board! : Disorganized, cluttered mess...and getting worse
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Disorganized, cluttered mess...and getting worse

Posted: 18 December 2012 - 12:15 PM
Hello :)

Since I live with a hoarder I can totally understand your frustration.
Looks like you have made a plan.
Sometimes escape is the only solution.
For me it was not an option so I had to make other plans.

Good luck and best wishes.

Sincerely, Tillie :)
Posted: 18 December 2012 - 07:14 AM
Just wanted to rant soon to be ex wife and I are 60 years old, married 20 years, no kids, moved from a 900 square foot house to a 2400 square foot one ten years ago. My spouse has always been messy and disorganized but when we got the bigger house her issues REALLY multiplied. Every closet and dresser drawer in the house is crammed full of clothing and shoes, mostly unworn and she has enough clothing for fifty women. We have a huge modern kitchen...and every cabinet is crammed full of stuff, and every single countertop is piled so high you can't even see the counter. Even the washer and dryer tops are piled a foot high with clothing and gewgaws and gimcracks, and practically every day after my wife gets out of work she goes shopping for MORE STUFF. She has spent close to $60,000 on craft supplies ALONE in the last few years, and she doesn't do anything with them just goes to buy more. Well, two months ago I told her (and have been telling her for years now) she needs to stop buying and start getting rid of stuff...she told me "too d*** bad, if you can't put up with it I want a divorce". I CAN'T WAIT...only a month to go now. Oh, for what it's worth I have pretty much always done the cooking, cleaning, housework, etc. because she is too d*** lazy. Any thoughts? Thanks for listening.
Hoarding Help Message Boards : Welcome to the new board! : Disorganized, cluttered mess...and getting worse

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