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Hoarding Help Message Boards : Welcome to the new board! : It says just say hi
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It says just say hi

Posted: 15 February 2012 - 12:08 PM
Hi Bobby,

I had help with an initial "push" at decluttering (because some work needed to be done in my apartment). But most was left to me, and I have been doing it little by little also. They say that is the best way, when possible; and hold the best hope not to relapse. Let's hope!

I am now down to mostly stuff that is the most "important" to me . . . so it is really going slowly. But, over time I see how it interferes with my life and it becomes easier to let go.

Good luck!
Posted: 09 February 2012 - 02:00 PM
Hello Becca, thank you for your post, I am new here so i was just checking out the site and the posts when i came across yours. For me it was very refreshing to read someone else perspective on how to approach one who is going through this devastating condition. I too believe we all need to be a little more understanding and compassionate, unless you know what is going on and even then you still need to be ever watchful on how you speak to a hoarder, cause it is a known fact that as soon as you say the "wrong" word or phrase they will shut down, and then it will take a while to bring them back up to where they need to be to help them. I know this only too well because i am a hoarder, i may not be extreme but a hoarder non the less. I have been decluttering for 6 yrs now, and i am still not finished. Yes i see the light at the end of the tunnel but doing it all alone has been the hardest which is why it has taken so long to get it done. I keep plucking away at it in spite of the depression and anxiety, and the negative issues that keep cropping up with the "ex", because i still have 3 little angels at home who need to have a place that they can call home and be safe and free of the clutter that i also grew up with. I have always believed in the phrase "one day at a time" it works for everyone. Well, hope i see you on the board again, Becca, (cool name ;) this is one of my twins name) i hope your struggles are not as challenging as they once were. Take care, and i have sent you a pray to believe in you and one day it will all be right again. God Bless, Bobby.
Posted: 21 June 2011 - 01:58 PM
I am Becca. I have been helping companies that have been working to do property/financial book assistance for a few years. I started shortly after a death in the family, divorce and my life went into a spiral. I started as a subcontracted business/residential cleaning service. I also make companies paperless....

I also began to take classes at the community college for psychology. So I had to reduce my work to part time.

Now it is the summer and I am out of work for now.

I understand the mental plain of loss/change and age. I don't judge anyone. Smiling and a calm voice with understanding is the only way to a positive relationship...Not to mention the Cognitive Behavioral understanding.

Understand that everyone has a battle to be fought. Be compassionate and understanding to help the move toward change.

Good Luck to everyone. I hope I come to this site again sometime :}
Hoarding Help Message Boards : Welcome to the new board! : It says just say hi

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