Hi. My name is beth. My friend that I live with is a horder. He collects and saves just about everything. We worked together to clean the kitchen and dining area but even though there is now space I still can't use the kitchen without him telling me not to move this or that. I gave up on the other areas of the house. He has pathways everywhere except where we both have to walk and only because I have to keep harping when piles start to gather. I managed to make a deal with him that if he cleared one of the bedrooms out for me to use I would leave him alone. He cleared it out and I moved in. That is when he got possessive about kitchen and I noticed he is very paranoid about anything being moved. It does not help that I have a blue heeler dog that takes stuff and puts them in some hidden place of his own. Argh. I am a bit of a minimalist so I have decided to borrow my friends camper trailer and live in that. Not exactly the best set up but I am not going to change him and yet I need my own space. Any thoughts out there?