Hi Juda! I cant really speak for him, but i know how i am about these issues, and it wouldnt be that id be 'treating my partner bad' by having so many emotional ties to my stuff, its likely just that he is stuck & torn by it & cant move forward as easily as most other people. I recently lost my partner & i feel it was at least partly cuz i was so stuck with getting my mess cleared up. I was making headway before i met him & now, after he left, but it took so much for me to get anywhere with it while we were together. It might be you could help him with parts of it. Have you tried asking him if you can help him with decisions? Maybe letting him know you realize it is difficult for him, and you would like to help in whatever way he needs you to? I hope he doesnt make the same mistake i did & drag his feet until its too late... ~Good luck to you both!~ :D