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Hoarding Help Message Boards : Welcome to the new board! : Scared for my future/ family
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Scared for my future/ family

Posted: 10 July 2015 - 09:05 AM
I can understand you want to know what will happen because I am like that also but sadly there is no crystal ball to know the future (believe I really would love that) . I think Tillie has the right idea about legal help . I wish all the luck and will keep you and your family in my thoughts

Posted: 09 July 2015 - 07:05 PM
Hi :)
There is no way to know exactly what will happen.
Depends on a lot of different factors.
I know that there are attorneys who work for free and that is who you should talk to to find out your rights and what the laws are where you live.

Wishing you all the best outcome in this extremely difficult situation.
Posted: 09 July 2015 - 02:44 PM
thanks but could someone please tell me what would happen? I need to know
Posted: 05 July 2015 - 01:42 PM
John, welcome. Do you and/or your brother work? Can you contribute to the costs of staying there? That is one issue. Depending upon how old your mother is, and in what state you live (assuming you are in the U.S.) there may be resources available to her and/or your younger sibling.

Can you call a family meeting to make a plan to clean up the house? Do you need help making that plan?

On Sunday and Tuesday nights there is an online meeting here (Online Support Group), which you access by clicking on the link to the right. It is anonymous and done on a board similar to this but in "real life" time. Each person takes maybe 15 minutes of time to "talk," and gets input. You'll find some kind folks there who've shared similar situations.

Meanwhile, check the resources links and references to books. Hang in there. Even if you lose the house, you WILL be alright. Even if the entire world knew you were a hoarder family, it is NOT the end by a long shot. We know, we've been there.

Keep posting. Come to the Daily posting if you need a more active posting area. Feel free to check on the Online Support Group area as sometimes regular posters "hang in there" for mutual support at odd hours.
Posted: 04 July 2015 - 04:22 PM
I am a hoarder.. The worst kind for 13 years in this house.. I got it from my mother and I live with her with my brother and younger sister.
My mom is worried that we are going to get the house taken away because she can't pay for it anymore.... I'm scared and I just need to know what will happen if it gets taken away? My little sister is 12 and I'm worried about her, will she be taken away? Will people find out? Will it be on the news? My brother is 20 and I'm 19. I have a girlfriend who I love very much she's never seen my house, neither have all my friends. If they find out my life will be over... Please if you've had similar situations or know what would happen please let me know.
Hoarding Help Message Boards : Welcome to the new board! : Scared for my future/ family

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