Drowning about sums it up have to clean parents house the mortgage company will give my nephew the money to buy the house otherwise no loan Mom and Dad move out of there last year my father is physically unable to help and the fact he now is in a nursing home Mom is in new home. We are cleaning the house sadly without help from my mom who unfortunately thinks the mortgage company should NEVER have this as condition because don't they understand her husband is in a nursing home. No matter what I do I get grief for most everyone in my family except my father. Yesterday I took stuff down to my moms( clothes and some brick a brack I knew she would want put in her shed as she asked) sis inl law and brother were mad at me they thought if she couldn't do it herself it should go to goodwill on Friday. Husband was annoyed because there was something a set aside when we're cleaning that wanted and when I came the next day was gone sis in law they out it something my children had made for them. The big picture is house has to sell like now because my mom can't afford 2 places and my dad needs to get on medicaid for his ltc and 95% of everything is on me all I want is for my parent to have what they need the way things have to happen is not ideal by any means for anyone but my mom won't think about anything else but her stuff most day I feel that if her stuff I were about to fall off a cliff she would push me over to save her stuff the stuff she does want is just stuff never a mention of pictures of family or thing we given her like the poem I did for her for Mother's Day on year and framed she was more worried about a pair of shoes the were in bad shape because she can't replace them she told why are worried about that poem the shoe are not replaceable to me that's like putting a knife in my heart it makes me think she doesn't love me only her stuff when I am trying to make sure she has the money she to live and make sure she is taken care of and my dad has the same I need advice I am overwhelmed and alway on the verge of tears