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Posted: 30 May 2015 - 12:08 PM
Cheryl, as another single person (and "mom" of furry kids though not human kids) my heart goes out to you. It seems we find ourselves sometimes damned if we do, damned if we don't. The situation about the trash - so ironic. Landlords can be so cold even if they mean well; they have the pressures on them from above, I guess. I was in a similar situation and was able to find a different place but if I hadn't been able to I'm sure I would've faced eviction too.

It does seem a lot of us in these situations are single women who don't have a support system of people to help - or if we find people maybe we're afraid they'd be judgmental.

I don't know what size community you live in but are there any resources? A friend and I've started attending a support group run by our city-county coalition on hoarding. It's not big enough to provide actual help but it does provide an opportunity to network, and I'm hoping maybe I'll learn of some ways to get help with actual moving of stuff when needed. (I'm on disability so can't afford to hire people.) You might call around and see if there's anything in your area. I know it's hard to do it, though.

One small idea - do you have any friend who owns a home who might be willing to let you put a bag or two in their dumpster once in awhile? Maybe that way the landlord wouldn't see it and it'd be gone. If it's stuff another person can use, I take it to the thrift shop ASAP - and then try not to linger at the thrift shop, LOL! That can be dangerous.

Know that others have gone through similar things and you are cared about and understood and not going to be shamed here. Take care!
Posted: 17 May 2015 - 08:22 AM
I am so sorry you are in this situation. I'm not sure what types of things you have in your house. It sounds like you've been working in the trash, so I'd continue to do that. If any of your children are old enough, could you invent a game such as see who can find the most laundry or something like that? I think getting the laundry together is also an idea--not sure if you have your own w/d or if you'd need to go to a laundromat.

Can you talk to your landlord? Also, if you read around this site, you'll see a lot of suggestions for getting started. I'm sorry you are going through this. I am sure you are very upset and feel all alone. We are here to support you! You might like to post over in The Daily Chat/What Are You Doing Today--it is an active thread and you'll get lots of advice and support.

Let me know how you are.
Posted: 13 May 2015 - 06:16 PM
I posted the other day under one of the categories below but no response. I am a single mother to three boys. My landlord made an unannounced inspection last week and I got court papers today :(. He threatened to report me to the State...guess maybe child services but no one has shown up. The place is very cluttered but steps are clear and plenty of walking room in living area. I didn't really think I wss a hoarders because I don't care about the stuff. I just feel overwhelmed! I am a little behind on rent but have always caught up (owe April and May). Just not sure what to do. The irony is he said he inspected because of trash outside. I was making an attempt to clean. I just feel so lost as to what to do other than clean like a crazy person. My boys are all high maintenance and I have no help.
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