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Hoarding Help Message Boards : Welcome to the new board! : Cost of hoarder clean-up services
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Cost of hoarder clean-up services

Posted: 16 August 2015 - 11:50 AM
I am facing a big project- cleaning out my estranged father's home in Houston - he recently had a debilitatiing stroke. He survived, but will need long-term care in a nursing facility for the rest of his life. I've always known he was a messy guy, but when I saw his living situation after the stroke, he's been hoarding and living without electricity for years. I need to find a way to clear out his home and quickly! He rents and has next no assets and little cash. Plus i live out of state and every visit to Houston to help him out is time sensitive. Is there a service that can help and be able to help out financially? I'm young, just starting out and unable to afford what looks like a big and expensive project. Does anyone have advice for a service in Houston?
Posted: 24 July 2015 - 11:50 PM
At the top of this page are links to resources and other information.

To find clean up help or therapists in your area click on the link
Then click on your state to find the list of services nearest you.
Also check on neighboring states because companies do cross state lines. :)
Posted: 24 July 2015 - 07:37 PM
I've seen several requests for help or info , but no replies re: finding clean up services that are affordable. Does anyone have any referrals for services in New Jersey ? Thank you
Posted: 24 July 2015 - 09:33 AM
Sometimes the board doesn't post posts.
Some sort of glitch or a "time out" because we take too long writing it.
There is no wait period for approval. Anybody can post here.

When I write a post I copy it just in case it doesn't post so that I can paste it and try posting it again.
Many times it posts but I must hit refresh to see that it's been posted.
Posted: 23 July 2015 - 10:32 PM
You may have had a problem relating to the image code. Or possibly to the length of your post.
Posted: 23 July 2015 - 06:10 PM
I am just testing this site with this reply. I made a post earlier but it hasn't appeared yet. I find it unusual that I am able to write without creating an account, so I am testing here to see if this will appear more quickly than my post. I am guessing that first posts have to be approved.
Posted: 21 July 2015 - 07:20 PM
I am in New York State - I just got a quote to remove everything : garbage, old furniture, & clean up - ballpark figure was between 10,000 & 20,000. The house is a small 3 bedroom with a den. Only two rooms are really bad, with one room needing an animal waste clean - up . I was of course shocked , the owner/ franchise suggested that family ckean up two worst rooms & we'd talk a few days after. He then had another offer : to remove all junk, etc, but not wash & disinfect walls & floors for 1/2 the price. Still waiting for return call for estimate. Owner knows we're in a desperate situation racing against time, when town & county start investigating & were also trying to find a place for our relative to live ( won't stay with any relatives). Have tried to compare prices, although all companies say they need to do an on site estimate. Sounds like the quote is about right- who knows? Best of luck to you- any suggestions would be appreciated . Cara
Posted: 21 July 2015 - 07:19 PM
I am in New York State - I just got a quote to remove everything : garbage, old furniture, & clean up - ballpark figure was between 10,000 & 20,000. The house is a small 3 bedroom with a den. Only two rooms are really bad, with one room needing an animal waste clean - up . I was of course shocked , the owner/ franchise suggested that family ckean up two worst rooms & we'd talk a few days after. He then had another offer : to remove all junk, etc, but not wash & disinfect walls & floors for 1/2 the price. Still waiting for return call for estimate. Owner knows we're in a desperate situation racing against time, when town & county start investigating & were also trying to find a place for our relative to live ( won't stay with any relatives). Have tried to compare prices, although all companies say they need to do an on site estimate. Sounds like the quote is about right- who knows? Best of luck to you- any suggestions would be appreciated . Cara
Posted: 31 May 2015 - 08:50 AM
Daughter, I had approximately two days of work done for around $2000. However, I did not have "boxes and boxes" to be gone through, just a lot of stuff to be thrown out. If your place is not dirty, perhaps you can check on professional organizers to help. Or each relative could work on a box until they are done.
Posted: 19 May 2015 - 09:31 AM
I'm pretty sure that is corrcect. I was quoted 10-12k for a one week service. We could do that if we could find a home equity loan without an inspection. Best of luck to you. I'll keep you in my prayers.
The Daughter
Posted: 07 April 2015 - 06:34 PM
My elderly Mom has moved from her home into senior living, and I have spent weeks trying to go through all the boxes and piles. So I called a hoarder clean-up service in her town to give me a bid. They observed that the house isn't dirty--just full of dusty boxes and excess quantities of everything. I got a bid of $5,500 for 3-4 people working for two days, removing trash and sorting good items into categories--for estate sale, storage, etc. After expenses, it will be about $315/hour, for 3 & maybe 4 workers. Is that normal? There's no way Mom will agree to pay more than $1,800 for two days work, so we're not even in the same ballpark. Can anyone tell me what they paid?
Hoarding Help Message Boards : Welcome to the new board! : Cost of hoarder clean-up services

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