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Please l need help
Posted: 16 March 2015 - 07:35 PM
And l don't know how these message boards work. I'm a senior, out of work, all alone in Tucson Az. I'm living in a house I cannot afford and need to move from soon. I'm disabled then l fell and broke my ankle. Just got out of hospital last week. My garage is stuffed, hoarded, if l had help sorting and cleaning out I could make money to move somewhere I can afford .
I'm so depressed and don't know what to do. I badly need help. If anyone out there has any ideas or suggestions for me please contact me at
Please I know some of you smart people can give me some ideas and help. Please.
Posted: 16 March 2015 - 02:39 PM
I know the feeling, Lex. When I was younger, in my 20s, I went through a phase where I kept everything my little brother wrote or drew. I finally chose one of his drawings and framed it. That allowed me to get rid of some of his other papers. I too have too many papers but recently got rid of boxes of them, mainly banking and credit card papers from years and years ago. I don't know what is right amount of time. It took me decades to get rid cards people had given me. Ii hung on to them trying to prove to myself and others that I was loved. It was a hard process on some of it. Now that I've come to this site and gotten support, it is much easier to let go.
Posted: 16 March 2015 - 02:24 PM
Thank you so much!! I'm really looking forward to using this site. Well my mom and I are both hoarders. For me personally, I have a hard time throwing things away because I love them all so much and don't want to get rid of anything in fear that I may hurt the objects feeling. I just feel extremely possessive of my things. Like a dragon haha. But it's become too much for me to handle. It's overwhelming and is causing problems between me and my boyfriend.
Posted: 16 March 2015 - 10:58 AM
Welcome, Lex. I started here under a year ago and have made significant progress. I found reading past posts were very helpful. You can generally find someone to "talk to" by going on The Daily Chat/what are you doing today thread.

What's going on with your situation--for me I had just collected way too many treasures/largely in the vintage glass and book category. Let us know what's going on and how we can help! We are each in a different situation and yet, we are all in the same situation! Welcome!
Posted: 15 March 2015 - 10:17 PM
Hello. I have just found this site and I'm very excited to use it :)
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