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Hoarding Help Message Boards : Welcome to the new board! : Can't Throw It Away
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Can't Throw It Away

Posted: 08 February 2015 - 05:15 PM
Hi JoAnne,

I have had a box of old power bills that I kept because I might want to know the electricity rates back in 197?.

Would you try an experiment? This is kind of an adaptation of something that is done to work with people to stop impulse shopping buys.

Would you wait until the night before your trash is picked up. Pick just one thing, like that power bill, that is beyond your definition of trash but that is causing you stress because you are keeping it. Put it in the trash bag, get the trash bag in the cart and the cart to the curb.

Then watch how stressed you feel right after you've done it, maybe again right before bedtime, and then again the next morning. In order to talk about it, and have a relief valve, make a post (or two or three) over in the daily chat section talking about what you chose, what you have done and how you feel.

Believe me, you will NOT be laughed at. The people posting there understand exactly how you feel and can offer you encouragement. They are each struggling, in their own ways, with the same kinds of difficulties. You will be finding a way to take a first step towards releasing those things that are no longer useful to you in your life.
Posted: 08 February 2015 - 04:49 PM
I just can't seem to do it. I know I should. It drives me crazy but I am so anxious that I might need it. Which is stupid, why would I need a junk mail flyer for a Chinese place that I have never and will never go to? What is wrong with me? I feel terrified every time the trash goes out. I am successful and very busy yet I can't let anyone come to my home. I live in fear someone will find out how I live. I throw away trash (my definition) but I can't seem to get rid of stuff. I found a power bill from 1976 the other day. What gives......why would that even matter to me? I look at it and I remember my first house and I put it back in the drawer. I am at a loss here. I am looking at surgery on my shoulder and I know people will come over. I don't know what to do?????? Not that you can help but whatever........
Hoarding Help Message Boards : Welcome to the new board! : Can't Throw It Away

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