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Hoarding Help Message Boards : Welcome to the new board! : Living with hindrance
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Living with hindrance

Posted: 06 February 2015 - 01:43 PM
A really good book for you to read is
"Digging Out".
It is for people who are dealing with a person who is reluctant to clean up and get the home back in good order.
This book has helped me learn how to work around his reluctance and resistance.
Posted: 06 February 2015 - 11:02 AM
As I was reading other peoples' posts it occurred to me that it's not unusual to have someone in your life who doesn't support your efforts or desires to change. I'm living with one of those people. Before she had chemo, radiation, and brain surgery, she was a very clean person. Now she's apathetic at best. She yells at me when I try to clean. I understand that she doesn't want to be reminded of what she (and I) have become but it breaks my heart to see her willing to live like this. I've never been good at keeping things neat and tidy so I feel like I've completely failed her--and myself and everyone else in my life. I would love to feel free to invite someone over or not to feel dread when I see the UPS truck or a gas delivery. I'm at a loss as to how to begin getting out of this mess but it's especially difficult because my partner takes my efforts as personal affronts. I've told her that blame is pointless, that we just have to DO something, but she refuses to offer anything constructive at all.
So, not only do I need to try to help myself but I need to get around the obstacles my partner puts up. How???
Hoarding Help Message Boards : Welcome to the new board! : Living with hindrance

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