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Hoarding Help Message Boards : Welcome to the new board! : i've never had a clean home
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i've never had a clean home

Posted: 25 January 2015 - 07:59 PM
Hello Stuffer, I love your name. :)

What is the state of your house now? How many people/animals live there? Do you have a good amount of time to devote to clearing a hoard? Are you able to physically do a good amount of work yourself? Is there anyone who can help you? Anyone who will hinder you? Do you have access to a trash service or a public disposal site?

In cleaning a hoard you won't be organizing for awhile. You'll be discarding things either in the trash or out for donations.

The main areas you'll need to work on will be a bathroom, access to food, clean clothing and if you don't already have it, a clear bed to sleep on.

You'll be doing some head work (meaning working thru some hard emotions) and it will probably take months. Unless you have a professional clean-out there isn't a quick fix. You'll make progress and have some backsliding. It's all part of the process.

Most of us here are working thru the hoards on our own. Some of us are older. There's lots of great support, ideas and advice. It can be done!

Welcome Stuffer! :)
Posted: 25 January 2015 - 02:24 PM
I lived in a mess as a child, created my own mess as a newlywed, raised my kids in a mess and will die in a mess if I don't get help. I CANNOT organize anything! I am in a state that does not have any hoarder services (North Dakota) but has a culture that highly values a clean, organized life.
Hoarding Help Message Boards : Welcome to the new board! : i've never had a clean home

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