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Hoarding Help Message Boards : Welcome to the new board! : I need help now,I could get Evicted!! I need free or economical help!!
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I need help now,I could get Evicted!! I need free or economical help!!

Posted: 22 December 2014 - 08:26 AM
Hi Rosie,

Go to the homepage on this site and click on Resources or International help. If you can't find anything there go to the Contact link on this site and follow those directions.

You can also post here and work on your hoard with the support of others like yourself.

God bless ~ Dianne
Posted: 21 December 2014 - 05:05 PM
Hello 😊 I am a single person who lives with my therapy dog and a senior cat. I have been dealing with the loss of my special needs cat,my brother and other things that have made me withdraw from life. I have Severe Anxiety and Chronic Depression plus other physical health issues,(bad back etc.) I'm drowning in a sea of stuff! I can't afford to pay much to a cleaning company to help. I need help and don't know where to start!! Anyone know where I can get help but at a reasonable price?? Thanks Rosie PS,I live in Maple Ridge, B.C.
Hoarding Help Message Boards : Welcome to the new board! : I need help now,I could get Evicted!! I need free or economical help!!

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