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Posted: 20 December 2014 - 12:07 PM
Hi Smaug, Welcome! I read your post on Why Do You Hoard. I love what you said ~ my abstinence doesn't equal recovery. Congratulations in a month long fast from shopping, that's HUGE!!

You sound like you're making great strides with your therapist and understanding your life situations and how you coped with them.

About the overdressing for job interviews with Goodwill ~ when I was a teen I thought people were supposed to dress their best for an interview. I applied for a kennel job in dress, make-up, heels and was turned down. I went back in my dirty farm clothes and boots, no make-up, hair in a ponytail and got hired on the spot. I guess the moral is ~ dress like you can do the job at hand.

You also wrote, ...owning an item doesn't enable me to learn through osmosis by strapping a book to my head. So true and I still seem to think by the mere fact of buying it I will fix all my problems and become a glowing success in every area of life! haha!

You sound like you're doing a great job with getting rid of VHS tapes, books and soon the cassette tapes.

I did a big purge on the beauty stuff too including products from back in high school. (I'm 62.) Have been getting rid of clothes but still have far too many. I was into couponing awhile ago but never the extreme couponing I heard about.

I found a post I recently wrote to a mom here.

One of my daughters has twins. I remember being out of my mind with excitement one time while shopping at an outlet center 3 hours away. It was a store with beautiful, classic children's clothes and the discounts were insane! There were the racks of out of season clothes but I just picked out larger sizes they would grow into. It was Tuesday so seniors got another discount. I had a member card so that was another discount. If you spend a certain amount there was another discount. I was like a kid in a candy store. Or a compulsive shopper out of control. By the time I was done and figured out all my loot I had gotten several thousands of dollars of clothes for a few hundred. I was shopping for 2 year olds up until they were 8 or 9. It was an insane high that made glorious sense to me but in reality most of those clothes were never used by them.

Looking forward to hearing more from you here, Smaug!
Like Smaug on Treasures
Posted: 19 December 2014 - 04:17 PM
I'm glad to have found this support board. I'm a hoarder. I am also an extreme couponer.

I pretty much wrote my life story on Why Do I Hoard, but now I realize that it didn't get to the core of the matter. maybe I just don't know. Maybe being here will help me out.

Most of my hoard consists of items that will help me overcompensate for lack of self care like clothes or beauty products.

I also have books, music collections, and videos that I've never read, listened to, or watched. I'd really like to become an expert on the subject, especially the classics of literature and movies. Unfortunately, owning an item doesn't enable me to learn through osmosis by strapping a book to my head. lol!

Most of my recent additions to the hoard are items that I've Extreme Couponed for, mainly health and beauty items. The first items were stationary so I still have a load of them. I journal religiously so I actually use some of the notebooks.

Like I've mentioned in the other post, I'm currently on a one month fast from shopping.

I've recently got rid of almost all of my VHS tapes and did some returns to comply with therapy goals. Before that I took a lot of books to McKays Used Books, even though I knew they'd reject a lot of them due to age or condition. Let them sort it out, I'm sick of churning them.

Next I'll get rid of all of my cassette tapes. I don't think I'll miss them as much as I would the CDS. Both are obsolete but cassette tapes are so inconvenient to use. I can use YouTube when I want to hear a song plus see the lyrics or a video with it.

Is anyone else out here an active or former Extreme Couponer? For me that's just my latest geek, I've been hoarding much longer than that.

that's all for now. Hope to hear from someone.

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