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Hoarding Help Message Boards : Welcome to the new board! : New here HI!
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New here HI!

Posted: 15 December 2014 - 01:46 PM
Hey Chelsea, welcome!

It might work better if you get a plan and work it into your day 15 minutes at a time. For most that's not too stressful. If it is cut back to 5 minutes then a break. I used to fuel up with caffeine and sugar but the crashes weren't worth it. As part of getting our homes in order most of need to get some part of our lives in order too and that might mean taking healthier care of ourselves.

Come over to the Daily Chat and post. There's also a chat room too. Click on the red box to the right that says Online Support Group.
Chelsea Quirk
Posted: 15 December 2014 - 12:44 PM
Hi I'm new to this board - I wish I'd thought to look for an online support system sooner! I have always had more than clutter, and it's always started anew with an emotionally upsetting event, which shows in the items, and which begins again even after being cleaned up and beautiful.

I need to stop it! There are two kids at home who seem to have accepted my habit, and I cannot have family or friends over. I want it to get cleaned up but I cannot physically just DO IT without becoming exhausted, literally wiped out. I try a little wine, or maybe caffeine another day, or a whole energy drink...even let a new neighbor friend in who offered to help, and did an immense job with me, and now all my neighbors know about my re-developing problem after a bad divorce and stemming problems.

I could help others, but that's because their stuff is not my emotional baggage!!!

A de-hoarding-share plan with someone like me would work out really well!

Hoarding Help Message Boards : Welcome to the new board! : New here HI!

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