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Hoarding Help Message Boards : Welcome to the new board! : Need a psychiatrist to come to house for dad
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Need a psychiatrist to come to house for dad

Posted: 28 October 2014 - 11:05 PM
Hi Tara,

Maybe you could place some calls to psychiatrists and therapists in your area to see if any specialize in treating hoarding issues.

It might help all of you to read some books on hoarding, *Buried in Treasures* is a good one.

Like you say, it's been a 25 year process to this point. Be prepared that change may be slow with setbacks. Seeking help and having the whole family involved is a great way to start. Best of luck!

Wishes for "peace and a sparkly, clean organized life" ~ gosh I love those words, thank you!!

Posted: 28 October 2014 - 09:06 PM
After 25 yrs my mom (w the help of her 2 adult children) has finally convinced my step dad to clean house out. Our yard looks like a landfill since the house has essentially vomited. Too embarrassing to have anyone over. My mom is ready to divorce my step dad. It's been a 25 yr struggle, but it seems the end is near, yay. Would love to find a therapist who makes home visits. Can anyone offer tips, advice? We are desperate for any answers as we have been captive of his hoarding for 25 yrs! Enough is enough! Thank you for reading. I wish anyone reading this peace and a sparkly, clean, organized life!
Hoarding Help Message Boards : Welcome to the new board! : Need a psychiatrist to come to house for dad

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