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Hoarding Cleanup Service 
Steri-Clean Locations 

 TSCU, Lmt. British Columbia Canada

Pack Rat Syndrome / Hoarding Clean Up

We regularly see homes, apartments and condos packed with garbage, rodent waste and gross filth. We can coordinate events to remove and discard belongings from the home and then begin disinfecting the property.

Pack Rat houses are known as houses that contain an over-abundance of materials usually collected by the habitat dweller. It is also called hoarding. Hoarding is the excessive collection and retention of things or animals until they interfere with day-to-day functions such as home, health, family, work and social life.

Severe hoarding causes safety and health hazards. The collection of newspapers, magazines, food, old clothes and other items may cause fires while animal hoarding can spread contagious diseases. After a loss, it is often the case that the property in question is in terrible shape due to infestation of rodents and insects.

The entire contents of these houses when found, will likely need to be sorted through, disposed of or a combination of both. If it is deemed that the contents of the property can be salvaged, we can provide you with a solution to manage this task by providing some of the following services: 

  • Estate Asset Recovery and Inventory
  • Evaluation, Organization and Preparation of Items for Shipment to Auction, Charity or for Disposal
  • Estate Cleaning and Preparation For Sale
  • Asset Sale by Private Means, Estate sale or Public Auction
  • Estate Administration, Acting Agent for Executor


If you have questions, or would like more information, please leave your name and contact information. We will respond within 24 hours.
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