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Tuesday, October 09 2012
So if you watched Hoarders last night you saw to examples of extreme hoarding with very different people, and completely different types of hoarding. How does hoarding manifest itself differently in people? What I remind people is even though many hoarders homes look the same on the surface, hoarders are very unique. I think last nights episode outlined this very well. So why do people hoard? It is important to remember that hoarding is just a symptom of one or many underlying causes. For Linda, it was her religious belief that the end of the world was coming. She said she wanted her family to have "stuff" to live off of. While I didn't truly believe that this was the entire reason she was hoarding, I do believe some of the items were saved for this reason. I think there were many other factors involved. Here are the top reasons people hoard.
Do these items sound familiar about you or the hoarder in your life? It is important that the true underlying reason of the hoarding is discovered and worked on through therapy. Simply cleaning out the house is NOT going to fix the problem. There are dozens of reasons people hoard and again they are all unique and cannot be helped with the same game plan. Learn as much as you can before you can expect a change. A hoarder has to want to change or it will not happen. At best you can clean out the house, but it will fill right back up again. 97% of hoarders will return to hoarding after a cleanup if they don't participate in aftercare and truly want to change. Hoarding is able to be managed, not cured. By trusting in professionals to help you through this process, you or your loved one can certainly de-clutter not only their home but their mind which is key! Leave your comments below or share your own thoughts on this matter! Cory Chalmers Comments: